The Densit Solution
Densit Wear Protection are pioneers in developing products especially designed for wear protection in industrial plants. Our specialist products reduce the chance of unexpected plant shutdowns due to wear in processing machinery and therefore help to improve competitiveness and output.

Wear Resistant Sytems
Despite manufacturers’ many claims in offering a premium material to tackle wear, results vary from very good to poor. At time the wear-resistant properties of a particular material may be in excess of the required volume and those properties may under-perform in a different application placing the materials suitability in either situation under question. For wear protection, three material groups are common - ceramic, metallic and polymer of which all are economically-produced materials all playing a part in protecting plant and equipment from plant degradation.

How we help
Densit® solutions has been used and specified by leading companies in their respective fields for the purpose of efficient wear protection.
The many benefits of Densit®have been proven invaluable in thousands of applications.
Ask the Experts
We believe that recommendation is the highest achievement we can aim to accomplish from our clients.
To see such a huge proportion of those, we surveyed stating they’re highly likely to recommend us is a wonderful support of our services.

Nationwide delivery. We service both the UK and Ireland.

Looking for support or advice call our helpline on 01562 515195

Working within the steel, cement, power generation and bulk material handling sectors throughout the UK and Ireland.

High-performance abrasive protection solutions for repair and protection of industrial equipment.